Friday 6 October 2017


Yoona – When The Wind Blows (Chinese Ver.)

윤아 (Yoona) – 如果你也想起我 (Ru Guo Ni Ye Xiang Qi Wo) When The Wind Blows Lyrics
Genre : Ballad
Release Date : 2017-09-08
Language : Mandarin

Yoona – When The Wind Blows 歌词 Chinese

Stars in the sky
像那天的风 轻舞飞扬
是你牵着我 穿梭那条长巷
You are my star
好想你 告白的模样
好想你 无论你在哪
那时我不懂 你有多爱我
你害羞微笑 我舍不得遗忘
You are my star
好想你 告白的模样
好想你 无论你在哪
那时我不懂 爱情的模样
我们最后 站在月光下
季节尽头 我们会在哪
在这世界 能够遇见你

Sunday 1 October 2017

Network Topology

Assalamualaikum and halow guys , hhaha so today i nak post pasal Network Topology .Btw, spa yang baru je knal dan bru je intai2 i punyer blog ni okay admin akan introduce diri admin,nama btul admin tak yah sebuk, panggil je admin atau panggil abg story (haha ), bdk matriks (opkosly klo bkn knpe i nk sbok2 post psl tajuk harini kan (huahuahuahuaha),admin amik kos sains modul 3. apa itu modul 3?klo nak tahu lebih dlm lagi Insya Allah admin akan ceritakan based on pengalaman admin yang bru fresh ni dlm menggelarkan diri sbgai bdak matriks.Harap bersabar ya anak2. hahah entry pon dah melalot .okay let start our lesson today.......

Network Topology........

The definiton of network topology is refering to a description of the arrangement of the computing resources in a network. So, admin nak trgkan pasal ni, okay basically based on apa definiton tu like bagaimana network tu boleh terkongsi dgn komputer lain dgn hanya menggunakan network topology ... like dlm makmal komputer skolah lah kiranya bagaimana network tu disambung ke komputer yang lain.pandai2la imagine sndiri yan dah bsar kan hahahah mls nk trgkan dgn lbih lanjut(wah mcm dlm iklan tv plak kan )

Type Of Network Topology ...

Based on apa admin blajar sains com ni, klo ikut dlm silibus matriks, ada tiga jenis. which is consist

A)Star Topology 

Star topology( jangan ingat sistar jak okay lol kpop plak )all the network component are connected to a central devices called a "HUB".okay hub ?apa itu hub? hub ni mcm centrral or mcm pusat kawalan lah kiranya . klo nk dibayang dgn imaginasi admin ni macam boleh jadi router atau switch .bentuk star topology ni macam bintang sebabnya semua node(boleh jadi computer,printer ,and lain2 lagi) akan attach or akan connect dgn central devicesmcm gmbar dsi bawah ni .
 (mcm bintang di langit kan hahaha mcm ni la diagram dya )

B)Bus Topology 

In local area networks where bus topology is used, each node is connected to a single cable. Each computer or server is connected to the single bus cable. A signal from the source travels in both directions to all machines connected on the bus cable until it finds the intended recipient. If the machine address does not match the intended address for the data, the machine ignores the data. Alternatively, if the data matches the machine address, the data is accepted. Because the bus topology consists of only one wire, it is rather inexpensive to implement when compared to other topologies. However, the low cost of implementing the technology is offset by the high cost of managing the network. Additionally, because only one cable is utilized, it can be the single point of failure.(hahahahahaha copy paste je mls nk trgkn sbb masa terhad ,maaf ya anak2 ,hrp diampun kan salah beta ini)

C) Ring Topology 

A network topology that is set up in a circular fashion in which data travels around the ring in one direction and each device on the ring acts as a repeater to keep the signal strong as it travels. Each device incorporates a receiver for the incoming signal and a transmitter to send the data on to the next device in the ring. The network is dependent on the ability of the signal to travel around the ring. When a device sends data, it must travel through each device on the ring until it reaches its destination. Every node is a critical link.[4] In a ring topology, there is no server computer present; all nodes work as a server and repeat the signal. The disadvantage of this topology is that if one node stops working, the entire network is affected or stops working.(baca sendiri lah ya sdh ad explanation english hadiah dri admin tau ,ha,bek kau hahahah)

okay anak2 ini je admin dpt kongsikan bersama dgn anak2 sekalian, semuga spe yg berniat hati yang suci tulus mulus nak blaja di matriks tu admin doakan agar niatmu itu akan dimakbul kan. klo boleh admin nk promote skitt pde spe yang bakal jadi lepasan spm yang bakal jdi bdk matriks ni admin suggest ambil lah modul 2 dan 3 sbb ad sains com, best tau blaja sains com ni cayelah ckp admin.... semuga dgn tajuk harini suma pembaca akan enjoy dn scr tak langsung dpt blajar skit2 berkenaan dgn sains com ni okay sampai kita berjumpa lagi ya anak2 assalam and adios

p/s;   admin bdk fresh lagi hahahahahaha 


Yoona – When The Wind Blows (Chinese Ver.) 0 윤아 (Yoona) – 如果你也想起我 (Ru Guo Ni Ye Xiang Qi Wo) When The Wind Blows Lyrics ...